Technology of in-line inspection


More than 3,800 kilometers of pipelines with a diameter of 159 mm and more have been cleaned and inspected by in-line flaw detectors. License No. DE-00-013475.

Inline diagnostics technology includes the following main stages:

  • Cleaning from asphalt-resinous, paraffinic and pyrophoric deposits, foreign objects, scale and electrode residues;
  • Calibration (determination of the minimum flow area of ​​the pipeline);
  • Profilemetry (identification of dents, corrugations, ovality);
  • Wall diagnostics with in-line magnetic (MFL and TFI) and ultrasonic flaw detectors (corrosion, delamination, cracks and crack-like defects, etc.);
  • Decoding and interpretation of diagnostic information and preparation of the final report.

If necessary, a calculation for durability (residual life), calculation of strength (maximum allowable working pressures) and industrial safety expertise are carried out. License No. DE-00-013475.

Since 2007, we have performed work on in-line diagnostics and examination of industrial safety of pipelines (including underwater crossings) at ANK Bashnef OJSC (Bashneft-Dobycha LLC), Udmurtneft OJSC, Belkamstroy LLC, Belkamneft OJSC ", ZAO Naftatrans, OAO Surgutneftegaz, OOO BPO-Otradny, etc.

Technical means of in-line diagnostics (for reference)

Scraper gauge with calibration block

Designed to determine the minimum flow area of ​​a pipeline with a diameter of 159 ... 1420 mm for making a decision on the possibility of skipping the profiler.


 Скребок-калибр с калибровочным блоком

PRT profilers for pipelines with a diameter from 159 mm to 1420 mm

Electronic profilers of the "PRT" type are used to measure the internal diameter of the pipeline and detect defects in the pipeline geometry (dents, corrugations, ovality, etc.). There are modifications of these profilers with built-in systems for geographic mapping of the pipeline and with built-in systems for quantitative measurement of deposits on the inner walls of pipelines.

Профилемеры ПРТ

DMT flaw detectors (MFL - longitudinal magnetization) for pipelines with diameters from 159 mm to 1420 mm

High-resolution magnetic flaw detectors of the "DMT" type are used to register and measure signals of longitudinal magnetic flux leakage at the locations of pipeline wall defects. They are designed to detect, locate and assess the size of general and pitting corrosion defects, defects in circumferential welds, transverse cracks, other defects in transverse orientation, pipeline structural elements.


Дефектоскопы ДМТ

DMTP flaw detectors (TFI - transverse magnetization) for pipelines with a diameter from 159 mm to 1420 mm

High-resolution magnetic flaw detectors of the DMTP type are used to register and measure signals of the transverse magnetic flux leakage at the locations of pipeline wall defects. They are designed to detect, locate and size all longitudinal orientation defects, including individual longitudinal pipeline structural elements and other longitudinal pipeline defects, including stress corrosion cracking (SCC defects).


Дефектоскопы ДМТП

MFL + introscopes for pipelines from 159 mm to 1420 mm in diameter

Magnetic inline introscopes of the MFL + type are capable of detecting with photographic accuracy all defects of any orientation on the inner surface of pipe walls, including defects in pipeline geometry. The accuracy of detecting defects and assessing their dimensions on the inner surface of pipes does not depend on the thickness of the pipe walls.


Интроскопы MFL+


  • 20+ years
  • 30+ patents
  • 500+ projects are in work

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